Saturday, February 12, 2011

Recipe 4: Cornmeal Pancakes with Blueberry Syrup

I have to admit that pancakes could be one of my favorite things to cook and eat. At a very young age, I learned to make pancakes with my grandmother. To me, pancakes always came from the Bisquick box and were pretty plain. My grandma liked to add vanilla and extra sugar to the batter to put her own creative spin on the pancakes. Although many tend to over look the beauty and simplicity of pancakes, I believe they are a dish with a lot to offer.

I was a bit skeptical of the use of cornmeal in the pancake batter. Cornmeal, to me, seems to be too gritty or coarse for something as delicate as a fluffy and gentle pancake. The blueberry syrup, on the other hand, was right up my alley and I was eager to make it for breakfast.

I got up a bit early on a Sunday morning to attempt these pancakes. Another thing I learned from my grandma was the Sunday breakfast and its importance in the house. It is nice for everyone to gather around a table and enjoy a great breakfast. Even though it was just Andy and I, we were still eager to try this recipe.

For the dish itself, the work was about the same for regular pancakes. The batter was light, and relatively smooth just like normal pancakes, however the cooking process was a bit different. A general rule of thumb for pancakes is to flip them over as bubbles develop on the surface of the cake. When making the cornmeal cakes the bubbles still rose to the surface, however they needed to be flipped before too many bubbles developed. Needless to say, I had a few victims before I got the technique.

While I was busy keeping an eye on my pancakes, I brought together the syrup. To me, the syrup was delicious. Thick, rich and different are just a few words that came to mind. The pancakes were also good, however being a traditionalist, I had a hard time accepting the consistency of the pancake. I did appreciate the different method and the taste was good as well, however I prefer the consistency of a more traditional pancake.

All in all, I enjoyed my breakfast; as did Andy. We enjoyed the meals of this cookbook for the most part. There are other recipes in the book that we might try, however I feel the overall selection of the book, coupled with the price might make it one to check out from the library.

For my followers, I realize my posts have been spread rather far apart. With this being said, it was my first book to crackdown and I have learned a lot. I will be sure to update the blog more with the next book I choose. I will also be sure to include pictures with every post. I have yet to decide which book I will choose, but I will know before the night is over. Expect my next post tomorrow afternoon!

Thanks for the encouragement and please remember that ANY feedback is appreciated!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!



  1. Oh, I love cornmeal pancakes. Though I, of course, have never made them! Sounds like a wonderful meal to have out on the Linden's patio some morning! :):) ......with bacon, of course.

  2. I agree.....Abbie, get on that....
